Introduction to Required Agricultural Practices (RAP) Quiz

Even pastures can have issues. Here is an eroded pasture that could degrade soil and water quality.
Who is the RAP Quiz for?
The RAP Quiz is a convenient, engaging tool geared towards Vermont livestock farmers and service providers.
What is the objective?
To give you information about the relevant agricultural standards that will control and reduce agricultural non-point source pollution from field and farm production areas. This tool doesn’t provide an exhaustive explanation of the RAPs. Rather, it reviews topics for farm operators.
This quiz is open book, and resources will be provided throughout for more information.
Click here to read the final RAP document in further detail.

Cows on pasture have eroded the streambanks, which now would need exclusion measures to meet the RAPs.
What topics will be discussed?
- Classification of farm sizes
- Farmstead management
- Field management
- Nutrient and manure management
Additional content for Small Farm Operators on certification, nutrient management planning, inspections and variances - Additional content for Medium/Large Farm Operators on compliance and incident reporting, nutrient management planning and variances
Why are you taking this quiz?
This course is approved by the Agency of Agriculture for 2 hours of required water quality education for farmers. At the end, you will be able to print a certificate of completion and there will be directions for sending your certificate to the Agency of Agriculture for credit.
All large, medium and certified small farm operations need 4 hours of training every five years. (Don’t know the size of your operation? We’ll help you on the next page)
Can I do the quiz without setting off regulatory bells?
Yes, quiz is kept in house with the conservation districts and not shared with regulatory agencies. There is an option at the end to send a completion certificate to VTAAFM to get the 2 hours WQ training credits.